A native of California, Dr. John Mooney was born in Los Angeles. He graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) in 1982. John has had plenty of inspiration with a father-in-law and brother-in-law in the field! He since has become a Qualified Medical Examiner (QME), a Chiropractic Orthopedist, and an accident reconstructionist, as well.
Mooney’s secret of success happens to be: He cares about people.
I enjoy my patients, that’s my secret. I was able to find a vocation that is a vacation — it’s really fun for me, says Mooney.

Dr. Mooney and his wife, Ellen, have lived in El Dorado County for over 35 years; moving here because they felt it was a great place to raise their two children. Matt, their oldest, is a history professor at Santa Barbara and their youngest son, Brent, is a chiropractor and joined his father’s practice here at Premier Healthcare. Ellen is very busy! She breeds black Andalusian horses. The Mooney’s share their home with Paris, their dog, and Chico their cat.
What is Dr. Mooney’s favorite ways to relax? He enjoys going to the Kings games “when they are winning“, reading, playing tennis, going to the movies and collecting and sharing his favorite quotes.
Dr. Mooney recently compiled his most treasured quotes into a book entitled, “Treasures in Truth – Quotes to Nourish the Soul.” One maxim Mooney strives to live by is the Einstein quote, “Try not to be a man of success, rather try to be a man of value.”
Other activities that keep Mooney very busy include:
- Member of the Placerville Rotary Club
- President of H.E.L.P. which provides shelter and food for people in need
Dr. Mooney says, ” I have been truly blessed by God for a wonderful family, great friends, and a great area to live in.”
- Certified Disability Evaluator
- Independent Medical Evaluator, CCA
- Chiropractor Orthopedist
- ProAdjuster Chiropractic– a NASA based technology to evaluate and align the spine.
- Industrial Disability Evaluator
- Qualified Medical Evaluator
- Accident Reconstructionist (the only Chiropractic reconstructionist in El Dorado County)

Mooney has been enjoying his practice in Placerville for over 35 years, taking patients and making friends at Premier Healthcare and Sports Clinic.
After all these years, does the chiropractor think he made the right career choice? “Oh, yeah. It was a gift from God,” says Mooney.

Read about John Mooney, DC in the Mountain Democrat.